Presented at OSACon 2024

Lakehouse is a big data solution that combines the advantages of data warehouse and data lake, helping users to perform fast data analysis and efficient data management on the data lake.

Apache Doris is an OLAP database for fast data analytics. It provides self-managed table format for high-concurrency and low-latency queries, semi-structured data analytics and complex ad-hoc queries, all by using standard SQL. It can also query data from various lake formation such as Apache Hudi, Apache Iceberg, Apache Paimon, etc.

In this session, you will learn what Apache Doris is, what Doris can do for real-time analytics, and how to build a fast data analysis engine on data lake.

  1. Introduction of Apache Doris

  2. Core futures of Apache Doris

  3. Building a fast data analysis engine on datalake